

EU Tender

In the framework of tender GOP-2009-2.2.1, our company launched an enterprise resource planning system and a webshop with support from the European Union and co-financing by the European Regional Development Fund.


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Our company was founded as a sole proprietorship in 1993. Back then, we almost only specialised in the implementation of building services engineering systems. The number of orders and the rate of production necessitated the expansion of the initial staff. The business was turned into a limited liability company in 1996.

Having earned the trust of our customers by providing them with skilled labour, today we also perform technological installation work, maintenance and repairs.

Company: HI Épületgépész KFT
Address, registered office: 9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Alkotmány u. 3/A/2.
Contact: Tel.: 96/206-523, Tel./Fax: 96/203-157
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Year of incorporation: 1996



  • 1 mechanical engineer
  • 1    technician
  • 1    administrator
  • 17 skilled workers (central heating installers, plumbers, gas pipe welders and fitters)


ISO certification: DEKRA 9001:2008

Scope of business:

Building services engineering systems:


  • design
  • implementation
  • maintenance
  • repair


Technological systems and equipment:


  • installation
  • assembly
  • repair
  • maintenance


Alternative energy supply systems:


  • design
  • implementation
  • maintenance
  • repair


Our philosophy is to


  • perform high quality work
  • provide our customers with services to their complete satisfaction
  • meet deadlines at all times
  • keep up with the technological developments of our age




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